My mom passed away just before CV-19 started really swirling up in the US, so I’ve mostly been busy clearing out her house for sale. Between that and being an ‘essential’ worker (whose hours are practically imaginary some days), I haven’t seen much of a hitch in my routines. I can’t go to the grocery store at the times I prefer to shop. Hours are limited and early mornings are dedicated to at-risk and elderly shoppers.
No one has come straight out and said it, but it sounds like my employer is making staff cuts after Mother’s Day. Our sales slow way down between May and October and the company has already taken a hit from shopping centers being shut down and people not spending money. There’s a good chance I’ll be out of a job as of the 10th. If not, I’ll be out of work at the end of the month, anyway. I’m moving out of state because rentals around here are ridiculous. I don’t have enough to make a decent downpayment on a house of my own unless I go somewhere cheaper. These are nervous times for me since the main reason I kept my job this long is health insurance. Losing health coverage in the middle of a pandemic just doesn’t feel good.