Asexualitic : Meet Asexuals Forums General discussion LOOKING FOR ASEXUALS WHO HAVE HAD SEX TO BE IN MY NEW ASEXUAL BOOK

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    Following on from Asexual Perspectives 47 Asexual Stories book, which has been hugely successful, I am looking for asexuals to be interviewed for my new book ASEXUAL SEX STORIES: THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE FUGLY. REAL LIFE ASEXUAL SEX STORIES, who have had sex before and who want to share their experience of their first time having sex. As well as sharing the good, the bad and the fugly of their experience of having sex. You will also be asked questions to advise other asexuals who are thinking about having sex for the first time ever and not sure about whether they should do it or not. This book will be available to buy on Amazon, and globally in print under my own imprint of Quirky Books. As with the last book, it will also be in the British Library and others too.

    If you are interested in taking part and sharing your asexual sex story please email me [email protected] with the subject line of “I want to be interviewed for your Asexual Sex Stories book!”

    You will be sent a questionnaire that you need to fill in fully, in order to be considered for this book. Answers need to be in to me by 30th of June 2019, to be considered for publication. All answers will be gone through thoroughly next month, July 2019, and you may be contacted for further information or questions about your answers in that month.


    I think I speak for everyone when I suggest you fuck off.


    Hi Bennie

    No you definitely don’t speak for everyone. I already have 5 people being interviewed for my book.

    This book came about because an Aromatic asexual friend was interested in trying sex and was asking me what they would do and how they would go about it. They have been waiting for me to write this book for a long time. I also saw other asexuals in groups saying that when they tried sex before, they just didn’t know what to do with their legs, arms etc. So there is already an audience for this book. It doesn’t mean to say every asexual will be interested in it, if they are sex repulsed for example. But not all asexuals are the same. Some asexuals will try sex out of curiosity, or to please their partner, and it’s good if they understand what they are getting themselves into, before trying it. So they are more knowledgeable to make an informed choice of whether sex is right for them or not.

    It’s also about time asexuals got their voice heard on a global scale, as to what it really feels like for an asexual to have sex, what we go through and have to endure, and then maybe more sexuals will understand us far better.


    Then I apologise, and congratulate you on a calm and well put together response, fair’s fair.


    Hi Bennie

    Thanks for your apology. I really appreciate that.



    STILL LOOKING FOR STORIES FOR MY ASEXUAL SEX STORIES BOOK – DEADLINE NOW EXTENDED TO 14TH OF JULY 2019. DO YOU WANT TO TAKE PART? 😍😍😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​😍​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 

    I was going to publish this book under my own publishing imprint but now I have a traditional publisher interested in publishing this book. They already have a similar book in another minority sexuality niche, so it’s likely to do very well under them. However, we are still in the early stages of talks and therefore I do not want to publically announce who approached me, especially as they still want me to pitch the book, even though they approached me – about my first book. So it will either be published under mine or theirs. 

    The full title of this book is ASEXUAL SEX STORIES: THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE FUGLY. REAL LIFE ASEXUAL SEX STORIES. So as you might have guessed the people who I am looking to interview, are asexual, and they have had sex before, to share their experiences with others. You will help other asexuals who are not sure whether or not they want to try sex and are looking for the good, bad, and damn right ugly things about having sex, so they can make an informed choice and decision about whether they want to try it or not. It will also prove a very insightful read for anyone who is asexual who doesn’t want to experience sex themselves, but has always been curious as to what it feels like for an asexual to have sex. This Asexual Sex Stories book will also be a great read for anyone who is not asexual, for partners, family, and friends of asexuals, who want to get a deeper understanding of what sex really feels like for an asexual and to gain greater insight into how an asexual thinks and feels about sex, from a very personal experience point of view. 
    This book came about because I have an aromatic asexual friend who was asking me what to do if they were to try sex and because I saw many asexuals in groups saying that when they have had sex before, they did not know what to do with their arms etc, so I thought there is a need for this book. It also gives asexuals a voice to tell others what it really feels like to be asexual and have sex, rather than sexuals just giving their opinion all the time.

    The stories I have received so far are incredibly helpful and insightful, however, I still need more. I have extended the deadline until the 14th of July to give people a chance to get their story in and still looking for others to take part.  

    So if you are an asexual who wants to be interviewed for this book, and who has had sex before, and you want to share your personal story and give advice to others, then please email me asap at [email protected] and I will send you a questionnaire. You can go by an alias name. 


    Fenicia Rosario

    I am interested in being a participant in your book.


    Hi Fenicia

    So happy to hear that. Thanks for you email. I just replied to it.

    Looking forward to reading your story.

    Sandra xx


    Still looking for more asexual sex stories if anyone else is interested in contributing, please email me [email protected]


    I may not be much help. My first was with a pedophile at 15. I had sex thinking something was there that wasn’t after that. I was in an abusive marriage and have never known a healthy relationship.


    Hi Rhiannon, thanks for the interest. I have got enough people for the book now, if you feel your story wouldn’t fit. It’s going to be published this year. Hopefully in August at the latest. If you did want to take part, I would need to email you a set of 20 questions for you to answer, which would included advising the readers about boundaries and being assertive, as well as sharing your personal experience, the good, the bad and the ugly, so if you think you would like to help please email me [email protected] by 6th of June.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Sandra.

    If you’re still taking applications, let me know. I’d be interested in sharing my sexual ‘woes’ for edification.


    Hi Caton, thanks for your interest. I made a mistake in the last reply Rhiannon and said there are 20 questions, when there is actually 43 for the remaining stories. The book is divided into 2/3 parts and the first part was 20s questions only, the more in-depth part is 43, so I would be looking for the more in-depth questions being answered due to the title change. Although some people could still answer just the 20 questions in order to keep the book more balanced if I get a lot more people wanting to answer the more in-depth questions.

    If you would still like to take part and answer the 43 questions, please can you email me [email protected] with the subject line “I want to be part of the Asexual Guide To Sex book” and I will send you the questionnaire. Thanks.

    Please note the book is now called the Asexual Guide To Sex book, with Asexual Sex Stories… as the subtitle, so I am still looking for the good, bad, and ugly stories about sex to be incorporated into your answers.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Sandra.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Sandra.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Sandra.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Sandra.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Sandra.

    If anyone still wants to take part in this “Asexual Guide To Sex” book in 2020, and answer the 43 questions, please can you email me [email protected] with the subject line “I want to be part of the Asexual Guide To Sex book” and I will send you the questionnaire.

    The cut off date of 6th of June, 2020, inclusive.

    I will be starting back work on this after the 12 of June and this will give you a chance to work on your answers/personal story.

    I am currently finishing off some other work, which has delayed the publishing process. This is why I can take on a few more stories – because I want to get as many in as possible, to make this the best book on asexuality and sex, ever written. Those who submit theirs first, will have me working with them first, to edit their personal stories, after the 12th.

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