I view sex as a desire…just like a ‘desire’ to eat chocolate, or desire to go dancing…..I mean, it you don’t desire it…or cant ‘have it…nothing happens..
you just don’t…and that’s it for most men, they are taught, wrongly of course
that ‘sex is love’…..and women, unfortunately, that love is sex…just the opposite….but, nothing happens to you, or your mental state, if you don’t want or desire ‘sex’…look at the nuns, or monks or celibate people….they just don’t care for sex, don’t want it, don’t need it…plain and simple….
some people are better off just having ‘a platonic’ relationship…wich only the ‘romance’ is alive, the cuddling maybe, or holding hands…the love for the others person is much there, but you just don’t ‘desire’ that person physically…
so, being in love doesn’t mean you have to have sex….ro most of the population that’s the way it works….and just like in anything….there is always a small amount of people who are different or don’t have the same needs or desires…
whether you want to call yourself, asexual, or celibate, or even strange or weird..that is who you are….and in this world, some people will like you for it, and some people will find you weird or strange or even disbelief that it could be possible….that you don’t want or desire sex…but, like I said.
in life, there will always will be people who are not in the majority and remain true to themselves…..and take the risks of being called an outcast, strange, different, weird, asexual, or celibate…we all need to keep respecting the differences within ourselves, learn about what makes people different, and accept them, as who they are…and if you cant find It in yourself, to accept this person as they are…just keep on walking unto other things, and don’t criticize, judge or be rude…and for those who ‘meet’ such a person, in your life, who cannot respect you, or even understand you, feel lucky they only stood enough time in your life, to see they cannot or are capable of respect or understanding you and accepting you as you are. People like these, will never bring anything positive in your life and you will not change them. just keep being who you are, do whatever makes you happy, allow only those persons in your life, who respect you and accept you as who you are without trying to change you, coaxed you into doing anything you don’t want to do…..stay true to yourself, and be happy with whom you are…..and the life you chose to make you happy….
stay strong!