Hey there,
So, there hasn’t been much activity on here so I thought I’d bring a suggestion.
Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre, SE1 8XX near Waterloo station. This is a location that the Captain Awkward meetups also use and which I personally really like, and I think it’s great for groups.
They sell food in a cafe (standard sandwiches etc.), but they also don’t mind people bringing food in from outside. There are several other local places where you can buy stuff as well. The excellent food market outside has loads of different food options, which can fit most food requirements, or you can also bring a packed lunch.
The CA meets are usually on the fourth floor, outside the Blue Bar.
Here is the internal map of the Royal Festival Hall: http://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/sites/default/files/documents/RFH_map.pdf
Now, there is a CA meet there on Feb 21, so if anyone (like me) is both ace and awkward, we can go gate-crash that. They are really welcoming.
If it was going to be just for this group, we could meet on the Sunday after, or have an (anti-) V-Day on February 14, though it will no doubt be covered in love hearts and I’m not sure how many people here are into that.
Failing all that, could set a date for a Saturday in March and hope for the best!
Any thoughts?