I’m an ace that doesn’t care about gender, I’ve been looking for someone to date who lives within train distance of Egham (western edge of Greater London, England)
I like cuddles and physical contact so long as there is no sexual contact, in all my other relationships I felt a huge pressure that I was expected to do sexual things and I always made an internal compromise that I would do the things I didn’t really like doing to make my partner happy as the relationship would be positive overall.
In the last two or so years that I’ve made publically known that I’m ace I said prior to starting any relationship that I didn’t enjoy sex, but was willing to do it. Using Asexualitic finally means that I can do away with that nonsense and I wouldn’t be clashing with the other party’s idea of what a relationship involves.
My idea of an ideal partner would be one who would be happy to cuddle and likes spending most of their time indoors, as I find going out quite tiresome (occasionally going out is fine though). I enjoy the kind of physical intimacy that includes resting your head on your partner’s shoulder or cuddling up under a blanket in winter watching a TV show together.
Anyway, I doubt someone close to me will read this thread, but what sort of types of intimacy are you other aces out there comfortable with or enjoy? For example do you like physical intimacy (non-sexual), kissing (what types of kissing too? I’m comfy with kissing on the mouth providing your lips are closed), do you not like any physical contact whatsoever?