My credit score is up 12 points this month! I’m actually up 75 points since January. I started building credit with a 485 score lol ..I hit a fico score of 628 briefly before I made a mistake when I opened a new credit account and got docked like 38 points ☹️ credit building is fun!
My next credit line I think will be Fingerhut. I could use something nice and new. I gotta treat myself. I still cant open any bank accounts because of what’s in my consumer report lol. However next Friday I should be able to make a move and add 40ish points to my credit score plus the points from my new credit accounts and my current line of credit.
Either you have perfect credit or no credit…no in-between! I never carry a balance and use credit as a tool, not a way to survive financially.
I’m really bored right now….just really excited about building good credit to mortgage my first home next year 🙂
Yay playing games with the monetary system!!!